Social Update: a chat around the latest news from the social world to stay up-to-date month after month.

We are back with our Social Update appointment to end this rich digital year on a high note and take a look at what’s new in the world of social networking.

We have selected four of them and hope they will help and inspire your plans and strategies for 2023.

Webboh: the online story of Gen Z

social update webboh

Webboh è il racconto quotidiano della rete. Influencer, creator, instagrammer, youtuber, fenomeni di costume e viral video conquistano una vetrina tutta loro, una terra indipendente sulla quale potranno approdare utenti più e meno navigati.

This is the description from About Us on Webboh, an online publication born in 2019 that aims to fill a void by focusing on the story of the web experienced by Generation Z.

The target audience ranges from 13 to 18 years old, and the tone of voice of the articles and posts perfectly reflects this segment of the audience: winking, young, simple and full of repetition to generate the right expectation for the promised content, which responds to a single objective: to explain things well.

Why do we mention it in our Social Update column? Because the strength of the content of this newspaper lies in the continuous research and exploration by the editorial staff of the social feeds (on the hunt for news), but above all in the community, a frontline protagonist in reporting interesting topics for further investigation.

Among the columns, there is one that is certainly useful to those who want to understand more about this world of trends, abbreviations and acronyms, called “What does it mean?” to explain in Italian

ai boomer i significati delle parole che le nuove generazioni usano quotidianamente e ai giovani le parole che fanno parte del parlare comune, perché diventate virali grazie ad un trend su TikTok o ad un hashtag usato su Instagram o Twitter.

An interesting project that has generated enthusiasm on the social front with an Instagram profile with 1.3 million followers and a Tik Tok account with +730,000 followers.

A compass to always follow the latest trends of the new generations and have a sharp lens on this ever-changing world.

Instagram and in-app content scheduling

social update instagram

The update that companies and social media managers around the world have been dreaming about for a long time: Instagram is releasing a feature that will allow all professional accounts to schedule content directly from the app.

Some details of this important functionality:

  • you will be able to schedule Posts, Carousels but above all Reels
  • it will be possible to schedule posts up to 75 days in advance
  • To do so, you will need to access the Advanced Settings section when creating content

This is excellent news on this front of the social world, which could simplify everyday life for all brands that do not yet use a social media management tool or for those that do not have a Facebook page and therefore cannot access Meta’s Creator Studio tool (which allows the planning of certain types of formats on Instagram).

No update on the functionality for scheduling stories directly in-app. Hopefully, it will be on the list of New Year’s resolutions.

Creator Portfolio at your fingertips

instagram creator portfolio

After an initial test in July with the launch of a Marketplace for Creators, Instagram is introducing Creator Portfolio, a new feature to allow content creators to create a personal and professional portfolio directly in the app.

With the Creator Portfolio, creators can share an overview of who they are, highlight their content and showcase previous partnerships.

A strategic tool for both sides, also for companies and brands looking for new, valuable and profitable partnerships within the crowded world of Instagram.

To be able to access this feature, you must be registered in the Marketplace and the creation goes through Profile Settings > Branded Content.

The creation process is simple and customisable in the different sections:

  • Cover: choosing a representative image for the cover
  • Textual: a descriptive part about oneself and one’s work
  • Posts: selection of posts and Reels to show brands the type of content created
  • Instagram profiles: highlight profiles of people, brands and companies you have already collaborated and worked with

In addition, you can access an in-depth section on key follower and engagement metrics.

Communities on Whatsapp

social whatsapp

Over the past year, Whatsapp has introduced a number of features to encourage the use of the app as a primary instant messaging channel and improve communication between individuals and more.

After the reaction to messages with emojis, polls in chats, group calls with 32 people and groups containing up to 1024 users, Communities arrive.

Spaces within Whatsapp that allow users to connect multiple groups in one place and organise conversations. A feature that is undoubtedly useful for communications that include multiple actors in the field, such as neighbourhoods, schools, and offices.

The communities intended and realised on Whatsapp will therefore be group aggregators, which will allow people to create one large group in which they can collect ‘sub-groups’ and ‘sub-sections’, with additional possibilities for content moderation and access to sharing spaces also via links.

When you are in a community, you can easily switch between available groups to get the information you need at the right time, while administrators can send important updates to all members.

You are already thinking of proposing this to your property manager, aren’t you?


We have come to the end of our Social Update, the last of this 2022, which has given us many, many new features, updates and changes.

We look forward to the coming New Year, and in the meantime, we start thinking about resolutions and what we would like to find under the tree or, rather, in-app.

See you again next year: happy holidays!

P.S. also remember to do some healthy Digital Detox in the coming weeks

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